ERO: Hungary has become a member of the European Regional Organisation

Again after several years, the Hungarian Dental Association has become a member of the ERO, the European Regional Organisation of the FDI in April 2021. At the spring plenary session of ERO the delegates unanimously accepted our application to become one of the now 37, mostly European members states.
The European Regional Organization of the FDI World Dental Federation is a non-profit association established in accordance with the FDI Constitution, registered in the Swiss Canton of Geneva. It associates member organizations of the FDI from the European Geographical Area.
In 2011 ERO counts member associations from 37 countries and has fixed as goal to help dental associations from all 53 European countries (WHO European Region) to join ERO.
ERO aims at promoting the concept of dentistry as an independent profession based on the principle of freedom of choice in the relationship between dentist and patient.
ERO works under the vision and mission of FDI, developing policies, reports and resolutions in order to influence the activities of FDI.
ERO supports its member organizations in providing the best possible oral and general health to the patients.
ERO promotes and supports European and national health policies that respect the ethical principles and professional standards.
ERO resolutions, expressing the views of European dentists, are valuable documents serving as background and supportive papers for national dental organizations in their contacts with local authorities.