SymposiumSzeged: Speaker Names

Perspectives in Perio-Implantology and Comprehensive Dentistry
the international scientific conference of the Hungarian Dental Association
The 17th SymposiumSzeged conference offers world-renowned lecturers giving dentists a chance to see and hear the top of the international dental profession.
One day before the conference, on 4th May, you can take part in a hands-on course as well as a training for dental hygiene colleagues and students.
Visit the conference website: Home – Symposium Szeged 2023 facebook:
and register online from January 2023!
SREAKERS in 2023
Alessandro Pozzi (Italy)
Andrea Mombelli (Switzerland)
Audrey Camilleri (Malta)
German Gallucci (USA)
Hande Sar Sancakli (Turkey)
Miladinov Milos (Romania)
Serhat Aslan (Turkey)
Tiziano Testori (Italy)
Tomas Linkevitius (Lithuania)
Ziv Mazor (Israel)